Early in the morning, just before school, we were allowed to go out hunting for one. And possibly get a FTF!
Well, we set out after BlueSky - Park Hill (GC1XYPX), hidden by rhondle, after solving the puzzle the previous night. It was cold out, and after parking the vehicle we started to run up the hill, our dad waiting in the vehicle. There was about 1 km till the cache, and most of it looked to be uphill. Still we ran till we couldn't go any further.
Once we reached the top of the hill, we waited for some more sattelites. Once we had the signal, we started running again. Slowly we got closer and closer. And the tension grew! Would we get the FTF? Would there be anything cool worth trading in the cache?
Soon, though it seemed like forever, we reached ground zero. The two of us split, looking all over both sides of the trail for the cache. In a few moments, my brother, Daniel, said, "Watermelon!" (That is our code word for caches. Watermelon trail, watermelon! Watermelon spot?! )
We were not dissapointed. We got to pick one cool BlueSky coin as a prize, and made a trade for a rubber braclet thing.
Then after putting the cache back, we ran back to the vehicle.
And we still made it to school on time!
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