Saturday brought on my third day of Geocaching
Sardis two and I, drove out to Langley, first thing, to see the Geo-Race 2 start.
If there is one thing I so want to do next year, or anytime, it's that event.
Unfortunately I never ended up registering in time so, I couldn't participate aside from seeing off the starters and waiting at the finish.
However from what i did hear, it sounds like it would have been awesome.
Pretty much you start off racing to the ammo can, which has a bunch of envelopes, with the first puzzle's info in it.
The First Race to get info |
Once your team has solved that puzzle, you go to the coordinates it gives you. Once there you have to do some activity or other before getting the next coordinates
These activities range from, rock climbing, downing 1L of slushie, Racing down Cultus Waterslides, Corn mazes, puzzles, swimming, driving like crazy, eating hot buffalo wings, golf, the zoo and other such creative fun ideas.
Team Gearhedd, at Slushies |
Working Through a Corn Maze |
The race finally ended out at Harrison Lake. More on that later though.
Anyway, after seeing off the groups at the beginning, we went and talked to geo_canuck77, who gave us the coordinates of the end location. However since it was expected that they wouldn't get there for a good 4 - 5 hours, we had some time in Langley to cache.
Our first stop was to a Traditional Micro Cache, but we never did find it.
The next stop was to another tree climber cache. I like these ones, and might duplicate one or two. The coast also has some really great climbing trees for them to be in though.
Me Up in Langley Tree Climber #1 |
After that one we walked out to look for a multi but got another DNF. :(
We also snagged a bolt cache, some small lock'n'locks and another one of those spare key caches. Got that one 2nd guess.
Then we headed back for lunch.
After lunch we headed out to Harrison Lake, where the Geo-Race was ending.
Once there i got another 3 caches while the teams slowly came in.
The first one i did, was also my first 5/5 Cache.
You had to swim out to it. Then dive underwater about 5-6ft, to unhook the cache, and bring it back up.
So while i can swim just fine. I can't hold my breath whatsoever. So getting this one was going to be a little challenging. At least i thought so.
Saved myself alot of time and trouble however, by just swimming out there with a log (dead tree, not logbook). Once out there i managed to pull up the cache, which was attached to a 20-30lb weight to keep it down,. by using the log to keep me afloat. Even then I nearly couldn't get the thing up.
Once it was out however, I had to swim back to shore to open and sign the logbook.
That's Me out by the Buoy
After replacing it, i couldn't feel my toes for the next 10 minutes. That lake is freezing cold!! Like 5x colder than Shuswap Lake has ever been.
Then i got two other nearby caches...
A Quick Photo |
Once I had done those caches, I headed back to wait for the teams to come in. Setting up there was WorldCaching also. Perfect opportunity to meet the new owners, and see what they had to sell.
All sorts of sweet stuff it turned out. Ended up buying 2 new caches, which i plan on releasing by October, some geocoins, and A Trackable Patch. Since i don't have a vehicle for people to track, i thought the patch was perfect. (Now it's on my backpack, if you see me ask me for the code) It has a unique icon and everything!
No, that's not my code...
After that we left. Was really pleased with it though. That was my 500th find, I attended the event, got a 5/5 cache, and a bunch of geo-goodies without having to pay shipping.
Once we got back to the house, we had a quick supper. Than it was back on the road, for me at least.
Took their bike out to go and cache North Chilliwack area. Got a couple interesting finds while out there on that run.
A Rather Unique Container |
Another one of the caches was one of those private property ones, where it's right on the cacher's property.
Got to meet family extremes on that one. A few more finds and DNF's and that's it for the day.
All in all a great day. Tree Climbing, Road Trips, Biking, Geo-goodies, 5/5 cache, 500th find and so on