Well it looks like my long Geoslump is over.
For most of this year since the March event I've been pretty slack. Doing caches here and there, but otherwise not much.
That changed this past weekend.
It all started about 3 weeks ago when my Uncle and Aunt came for a visit. They are also geocachers, sardis two, and they offered a place for me to stay if i came down.
Well of course i said yes. The time for me to go down however didn't come until the last week of August however.
Then just after family got back from Telkwa, the next morning, August 26th I took the Greyhound down to Chilliwack, where I was to be picked up.
Upon arriving at their place, barely 10 minutes from arriving sardis two got a new cache notification. And off we went. After searching around at GZ for a few moments, we spotted a possible spot. Nope. It was a decoy cache.
About another minute later sardis two made the find. Since I won't be naming the cache, (Though it isn't to hard to find out) You can see the picture below.
So I've barely gotten there and I've already got a co-FTF. Not bad for the first half hour.
After lunch, I'm off on their bike to go and find some of the nearby caches before supper.
If there's one thing i can proudly say here. Despite the huge number of cachers, almost all the caches are of really good quality. No light skirts. No film canisters. Almost all in great shape.
That afternoons bike ride brought me another 13 caches to add to my 1 i had already gotten.
Here's a cartoon me. The cache was in the ivy.
This one above, had the little wire tucked into the trees grove. Took a little bit of searching
This was the only film canister found during my trip. It was sitting in a hole in the side of a tree
After heading back for supper, i actually got another chance to go out again after supper, and get picked up to do a Night cache come dark. So off i went. Managed to sneak in another 9 finds before dark.
These ones were a pain to get to as there is construction all over this area and it gets quite windy.
However the blackberries are quite good, and ripe.
Found a blackberry tunnel in one spot along the route to a cache.
The iPod touch Geocaching App, is so nice for paperless Geocaching. Used to have to print off a binder...
Spare Key Cache: Chilliwack
That's a really neat idea, and i'm planning on putting on out like it by winter.
And of course there has to be a chinese puzzle box.
Now that it's night though it's off to do the Night Cache. We start by following the reflector trail into the park down some trail. You're supposed to count the number of reflectors at each point and use that for the co-ords for the final.
Came across this old tree fort along the way. The black beneath it is water.
Of course we missed them the first time round. Geocanuck77, the owner, had the reflectors everywhere from the looking spots. Across the small creek. Way up trees. Took the second trip in to find them.
Even then we didn't get them all. It was just pure luck, that on the way back, we glimpsed some relfectors.
Since we were still going through counting, we decided to check it out.
To find that we were at the final! The Cache itself is in a box hung way up in a tree with a pulley.
Then you had to open a cypher. Thankfully we'd gotten all but two correct, so we were close enough to guestimate the other two.
All in all a very fun one and my 450th!
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